AWS Serverless Developer Experience: Demo of a Serverless Application and Observing with DataDog

AWS Serverless Developer Experience: Demo of a Serverless Application and Observing with DataDog

Clock Icon2024.01.10


Hello, Hemanth from the Alliance Department here, eager to dive into the world of Serverless development. Today, focus is on the "AWS Serverless Developer Experience: Demo of a Serverless Application and Observing with Data Dog" webinar, abundance of knowledge presented by professionals from Datadog and AWS.

Speakers for the Session

Lead Panelist

Sumedha Mehta - Product Manager, Serverless - Datadog


Steve Kendrex - Sr. Manager, Product Management - ECS

David Nasi - Head of PM, Lambda - AWS

Using Datadog to Light the path of Serverless

The enormous world of cloud computing frequently begins with obstacles, such as the data visbility siloed structure or lack of visibility across many environments. As the savior of the day, Datadog offers end-to-end visibility on a single platform. This platform is a strong troubleshooting tool for developers because it not only handles the complexities of monitoring but also interfaces with AWS services in a seamless manner.

Datadog: The Unified Platform

Datadog manages an array of monitoring services, ranging from AI-powered service monitoring to infrastructure monitoring. With more than 100 integrations—including ECS and EC2—developers can address issues quickly and efficiently. Not to mention the exciting slate of New Reinvent launches, which bolster Datadog's capabilities even further.

Serverless Demo

The Pizza cravings lead us to a Serverless demo website as shown below. This the customer side, where the orders flow seamlessly.

while on the backend, unfolds—tracking every pizza order through a meticulously designed architecture. The AWS Architecture behind the Serverless demo website. Inside AWS - Websocket gateway (API Gateway) for message exchange. Inspecting DynamoDB tables. Unraveling the lambda functions. Next into the realm of instrumenting codeless applications, driven by serverless architectures, offers a multitude of approaches. This time, we'll be focusing on the following method. Adding layers to Lambda functions effortlessly through command-line automatically.
Datadog's APM (Application Performance Monitoring) opens up a realm where we can effortlessly track services like DynamoDB and Gateway and others. Next click on infrastructure then Serverless, services are tagged with the pizza-demo label for a focused view for this demo and hence we can see only pizza demo. Lambda functions, analyzing invocations, durations, custom logs, all in a seamless interface. This also includes the trace which is more visual and useful. In Datadog's metrics the explorer section, exploring AWS Lambda invocations. Select Max by as function name and in display selectiog bar Filtering through logs by region, function name, or ARN becomes a breeze, providing a granular view of Serverless system.


Ultimately, the AWS Serverless Developer Experience reveals a smooth path from cloud obstacles to a well-balanced serverless system, aided by the knowledge of Datadog and AWS professionals. Developers get unmatched insights with Datadog's unified platform and live demos demonstrating serverless capabilities. With Datadog's 14-day free trial and this life-changing experience, companies can confidently navigate the serverless waters and ensure optimal performance and efficiency in their cloud ventures.


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